May we all be inclusive!



The ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ theme is everywhere and in all agendas in the last years and to start writing this text, I went to the dictionary to find the meaning of both words, and the dictionary states:


Diversity: Diverse and multiple set composed of varied things or persons: the diversity of species. Characteristic or state of what is diverse, different, diversified; not similar: diversity of arguments in a speech.


Inclusion: Absolute integration of people with special or specific needs in a society: inclusion policies.


Then I recalled a sentence I read in a report that, for me, summarizes well what is said above and better represents this whole process that we are experiencing:


Diversity is to invite to a party, inclusion is to invite to dance, and most important: the party is free!


I work at Atvos for almost 3 years, and, since then, I am reflecting on my role as individual in the society and, more than that, the constant dissatisfaction and some teasing, thinking of how companies can reflect the society we live in their operations.


A recent study conducted by McKinsey & Company, called “Diversity Matters”, showed that companies perceived by collaborators as having gender diversity have 26% more chances to present superior financial performance, while companies perceived as having more diversity of sexual orientation in leading positions have 16% more chances to present superior financial performance.


I believe that, as a company, we must be transforming agents of the society; we must create an environment that reflects the community where we live and this is important for the renewal of the future, because we only can renew when we look to the future and define commitments to change the society.


More than tangible results, as demonstrated in the above study, diversity and inclusion practices bring even more results to the company: the creation of an inclusive environment with diverse people that communicate to each other in an inclusive way, which produces an empathetic space, a space for listening, where more exchange of ideas is possible. People start to better understand the others’ needs and realize the importance of differences. That makes us build a respectful and tolerant environment, and places us as lifelong learners, for us to be inclusive and invite everybody to dance.


Acknowledging this condition of lifelong learners means to be in a continuous learning, ability much required today due to the changes we are always experiencing. That contributes to our evolution as professionals, citizens and human beings. Understanding the our point of view is not the only one and that there are realities different from outs will only happen when we leave our comfort zone and embrace the idea of creating our relationship with inclusion.


So, when I talk about Diversity and Inclusion, my point is to be more inclusive in all my relations and reflect the society where I live in my personal and work relations, as leader and led.


And what about you, what is your relation with Diversity and Inclusion for us to renew the future together?