We seek a balance between our responsibilities: economic-financial, social and environmental, through structured initiatives and processes that generate value and reduce risks to the business and society.

Our work is also in line with the UN 2030 Agenda, expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As signatories to the Global Compact, we seek to work together with society and integrate universal principles into the day-to-day operations and business strategy.

We are committed to the adoption of practices that strengthen human rights, labor relations, environmental preservation, ethics and transparency. Our Sustainability Policy guides this commitment.

Although Atvos supports the positive evolution of all SDGs, our main contributions are in:

Voluntary commitments and initiatives:


We maximize the environmental benefits with the production of bioenergy and biofuels and we take care of the planet.

We recover degraded soil by planting sugarcane, increasing the carbon stock.

We protect the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and Legal Reserve to conserve local biodiversity.

We develop programs for the management of waste, effluents and emissions into the atmosphere.

To renew the energy that moves the world, we renew our own way of being.


We trust our energy to overcome challenges. We use our expertise and persistence to always deliver the best results for all our stakeholders.

We invest in the sustainable development of the cities where we operate. We create socially just, economically prosperous, environmentally sustainable, politically participatory and culturally rich communities.

We also prioritize the training and hiring of local labor and partners.

We believe that our performance is capable of improving the world.


Our tomorrow started to renew the tomorrow of all people. We bring as a social transformation the transformation of the regions where we are located. More than 9 thousand people and 77 projects carried out by Energia Social. We work with a participatory governance model: government, society and company. We identify the demands of the community. We adopt strategies that move the world differently. We promote culture, education, health and environmental preservation with people’s participation.

Project Municipality
Circular gardens NAS
Strengthening Family AgriCulture Mineiros
Cutting and Sewing Core Perolândia
Ribeirão dos Paulas Sustainable Horticulture (Organic production) Cachoeira Alta
House of the Nurse-maids Mirante
Project Municipality
Expansion of the Family Health Program - PSF Cachoeira
Hospital Extension Alto Taquari
Hospital Extension Mineiros
Laboratory of Clinical Analysis NAS
Ambulance Donation Costa Rica
Nursery suitability Costa Rica
PGIRS Mirante
PGIRS Teodoro
Reopening of PNE Mirante
Hospital materials Costa Rica
Solid Waste Plan Cachoeira Alta
Solid Waste Plan Caçu
Solid Waste Plan NAS
Biodiversity Monitoring Mineiros
Neonatal CTI Alto Taquari
Healthy life Cachoeira Alta
Healthy life Caçu
Pestallozzi's headquarter Alto Taquari
Cycling in PNE Mineiros
Solid Waste Plan Mineiros
Extension of the Hospital Foundation Costa Rica
Solid Waste Plan Alto Taquari
Solid Waste Plan Perolândia
Solid Waste Plan Costa Rica
Conserving the tree in the woods, the water in the river and man in the land Perolândia
Conflict Mediation Costa Rica
Dream Workshop Costa Rica
Little Forest Costa Rica
Municipal Sanitation Plan Perolandia
Urban Revitalization of Perolândia Perolandia
Project Municipality
Professional qualification Cachoeira Alta
City hall daycare Cachoeira Alta
Professional qualification Caçu
Professional qualification NAS
Professional qualification Mirante
Professional qualification Teodoro Sampaio
Professional qualification Perolândia
Psychopedagogy course Mirante
Professional qualification Alto Taquari
Professional qualification Mineiros
Professional qualification Costa Rica
Extension of the Pedro Ludovico School Cachoeira Alta
Environmental Education in Schools NAS
More Sense to the Gardens Mineiros
First steps Mineiros
Cozy Place Costa Rica
Guardianship Council Cachoeira Alta
Extension of the Valéria Jaime Peixoto Perillo Daycare Caçu
Qualifies Taquari Alto Taquari
Belief in Diversity Polo SP
Move-se - APAE Costa Rica
Project Municipality
Point of Culture - Architectural Project NAS
Revealing Belvedere Mirante
Cirandas songs and the Cerrado Costa Rica
Culture point NAS
Accordion Orchestra NAS
Transforming Youth with Art Teodoro Sampaio
Community Radio Perolândia
St Augustine Culturel Center Mineiros
Sucuriú Park Environmental Auditorium _ Costa Rica