“Women, Discover yourselves in the Field”: Atvos supports an event that discusses the female protagonism in the field



The initiative aims to expand the presence of women from Mirante do Paranapanema (SP) in the agribusiness.

This Friday (11th), representatives of the Conquista do Pontal Atvos unit, in Mirante do Paranapanema (SP), joined the “Women, Discover yourselves in the Field” event, which addressed the female protagonism in the field. The company, which is the second largest producer of ethanol in the country, integrates the initiative through the Community Movement program that, in partnership with SENAI, has contributed to the professional training of women in the West of São Paulo, aiming to expand their presence in the sugar and energy sector and agribusiness in general.

In addition to a series of lectures and testimonials from rural producers at the meeting, there was also the delivery of certificates to 40 residents of local communities who took the agricultural machinery operation course promoted by the company. Currently, women account for more than 16% of the company’s staff, above the industry average.

“We know that there are challenges that workers face, especially with regard to the provision of opportunities to operate in the sector. But we at Atvos believe that the growing advance of women in the global labor market will spawn their valuation in the field. Therefore, practicing actions that enable training and career development for this audience is key. We are very happy to participate in events like this one that contributes to the inclusion and diversity in the agribusiness,” explains Erico Baracho, People & Administration Manager for the South Hub of Atvos.

The event was organized by the Sowers Commission of the Agriculture and Livestock Federation Agro in the State of São Paulo (FAESP), the National Rural Learning Service – Senar, the Rural Employer’s Union and the Municipal City Hall of Mirante do Paranapanema. The meeting schedule, which takes place from 2 p.m., will be opened by the mayor of Mirante do Paranapanema, Átila Ramiro Menezes Dourado, the chairman of the Municipality Rural Union, Márcio Pisinati, and the Sebrae-SP manager, José Carlos Cavalcante.

“The path taken to handing the certificates was very important, because we could get to know people and the sugar-energy sector, which is not only related to grinding or ethanol but also to the large scale of clean energy production, and this was very interesting for me because it was a subject that I did not have access to and that now I know,” said Valéria Nakano, resident of Mirante do Paranapanema who received the certificate at the event.


Female participation in Atvos

All professional training actions aimed at residents of communities close to Atvos units are part of the Community Movement, a program within MOVA – Living Learning Model, which seeks to encourage new paths towards the personal and professional development of the company’s employees and other stakeholders.

Following its commitment to promote more effective actions on diversity in the sector, since 2019 the company has adhered to the Principles of Women’s Empowerment of UN Women. Aside that, it operates in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5, focusing on expanding initiatives aimed at gender equity and generating more and new opportunities for women.