Atvos participates in the first Ecological Fair of Deodápolis (MS)



Empresa também fará exposição de equipamentos para combate a incêndios e abordará boas práticas de prevenção em evento que marca o Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente

Company will also exhibit firefighting equipment and address good prevention practices in event that marks the World Environment Day


Atvos Eldorado Unit is one of the participants in the 1st Ecological Fair of Deodápolis (MS), held this week to celebrate the World Environment Day. Students from the municipality and the population in general can attend, at the Multi-sport Gymnasium, lectures and exhibitions on sustainable actions required for nature preservation, like recovery of degraded soils and waste collection. This initiative is a partnership of the city hall, Municipal Environment Agency, and the private sector.

On Friday, 06/10, the program will be closed with an exhibition that will count on the participation of several companies and institutions of the region. The Health, Safety, and Environment team of Atvos South Pole’s, second largest ethanol producer in the country, will present in a booth samples of ethanol and VHP sugar, in addition to the company’s agro-industrial process byproducts – filter cake, sugarcane vinasse and bagasse – demonstrating the operation’s sustainable system.

“These activities are very important to disseminate information on environmental preservation and reinforce with the whole local community the importance of taking care of natural resources. For us, at Atvos, this is an opportunity to show the sustainability intrinsic to our business, which reuses raw material at the most to ensure the production of clean and sustainable energy to the planet”, explains Atvos Health, Safety, and Environment manager Leonardo Mendes.

In addition to information on its sustainable process, Eldorado Unit will also bring its agricultural fire brigade to present information on good practices of fire prevention, with exhibition of equipment like: fire truck, fire hoses, fire dampers, backpack fire pumps, blowers, brush cutters, and chainsaws. To complement the audience guidance, the team will also bring Individual Protective Equipment (IPE): firefighter boots, balaclava hood (highly temperature-resistant item, supporting up to 300ᵒC), helmets, equipment for respiratory protection, hearing protection, uniforms, and fireproof gloves.

The presence of Atvos Brigade also reinforces the fact that the country’s Mid-West region is one of the most affected by fires during colder and drier periods, and that’s why the whole population should be aware of their attitudes and the methods to prevent the problem. With a fully mechanized harvest, where burning practices are forbidden, Eldorado Unit, as precaution, adopts strict safety procedures and counts on a firefighting structure comprising a fleet with 13 vehicles to act on the occurrences that emerge in the field, and also to support the communities.

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