Eldorado Unit celebrates 15 years of activities



Com uma trajetória marcada pelo sucesso na produção de açúcar, etanol e energia elétrica, usina da Atvos fortaleceu a região proporcionando emprego e infraestrutura

With a history marked by success in sugar, ethanol and electricity production, Atvos plant strengthened the region providing jobs and infrastructure


This week, Atvos’ Eldorado Agro-industrial Unit completes 15 years of operation. The date is significant for the whole region because it could count on the benefits brought by the company, like job creation, career development, in addition to having provided infrastructure to the cities surrounding the plant, like construction of houses, drive to local businesses, and improvements in highways and roads.


In 2006, Eldorado Unit was the 10th industry to enter Mato Grosso do Sul state, and was pioneer in the cultivation of sugarcane in the state. Located at 75 km from Rio Brilhante city, close to the borders of the municipality with Deodápolis and Angélica cities, the plant started with an industrial complex of 80 hectares and area of 16 thousand hectares of sugarcane.


In its first month of operations, the unit reached the production of 600 thousand liters of ethanol a day, and export sugar production started in the following year. Another mark of the plant is a record: among all Atvos units, Eldorado is the one with the largest milling and the largest boiler.


Eldorado Unit currently counts on around 1,100 direct collaborators, with milling capacity of 3.7 million tons of sugarcane (MMtc), generating the production of 306 thousand tons of hydrous ethanol, 135 mil m3 of anhydrous ethanol, 180 thousand tons of sugar, co-generating 140 MW of electricity.


We can say that Júnior Pardini Bazilio was practically raised in Eldorado Unit. Júnior joined the company soon after its inauguration, in September 2007, at 21 years old, as logistic controller. Over the years, he gained experience and used opportunities for career development, reaching his current position of agricultural coordinator. “Here at Eldorado, the possibility of professional growth is real. Everything I have today is thanks to my efforts and dedication, but also thanks to the opportunities the company provided since the beginning”, explains Júnior.


According to Marcelo Annes, Atvos superintendent director, Eldorado Unit history was marked by people who believe in clean energy as an essential good for mankind. “It is rewarding to know that, in our history, in addition to having created jobs and better quality of life to the surrounding communities, we contributed to a greater commitment, the search for creative solutions in the production of clean and renewable energy to the planet. And such transformation results from the dedication of all collaborators of the unit, who deserve congratulations for their work in these 15 years of operations”, celebrates Annes.